Dancing Bishops on the Titanic

From Anglican Samizdat,

Dancing with the bishops
"Anglican Primate Fred Hiltz and Lutheran Bishop Susan Johnson attest that the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada are simpatico by giving a demonstration of ballroom dancing during the Eucharist. I don’t know about you, but I find this Anglican-Lutheran mating ritual very moving – although, if Fred must clap, I do wish he’d learn to clap off the beat."

Hmmm, so pastors are praise dancing now? 

As one commenter at the Anglican Samizdat blog said, "Dancing on the Titanic."

BTW, the Eucharist according to Anglican tradition is described,

"For the vast majority of Anglicans, the Eucharist (also called "Holy Communion", "Mass" or the "Lord's Supper"), is the central act of gathered worship and is the means by which Christ becomes present to the Christian community gathered in his name. For the majority of Anglicans this event constitutes the renewal of the Body of Christ as the Church through the reception of the Body of Christ as the Blessed Sacrament, his spiritual body and blood. In this sacrament, Christ is both encountered and incorporated." (source)

"And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19)

Dance in remembrance of Me? I think not.
